Your FirmOps SuperheroOpMan

Automating your law firm is hard. No more going it alone.
Opman is the FirmOps Superhero you need.

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OpMan Superpowers


OpMan automates critical business processes to ensure your business operates efficiently. Process automation is the key to sustainable, profitable growth.


OpMan analyzes your core cloud services to make sure you’re getting the best return for your money. Get the features you need without overpaying.


Automate client engagement to manage conversations and build relationships to drive growth and reduce toil.

We Needed a Superhero

Managing Firm Operations is Hard.

OpMan is the world’s only law firm operations automation platform built specifically to help you grow more, spend less, and automate everything. We built OpMan out of necessity - our clients were in desparate need of a platform that understood the operational challenges they faced.

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Expertise is a Superpower

Don't go it alone.

OpMan gives you the expertise you need when you need it. Whether it’s vendor selection, project management, or process automation, applied expertise will produce better outcomes. Period. We built OpMan to give our clients the superpowers they needed to succeed.

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Progressive Automation

Invest in a Better Tomorrow.

Progressively automate core business processes to ensure your firm operates with increasing efficiency. Process automation is the key to sustainable, profitable growth. Effective Firm Operations requires a fundamental commitment to pogressive process automation.

Pricing table

choose your plan

$187 / hour
Professional Services

  • Vendor Selection
  • Project Management
  • Contract Negotiation
Let's Talk
$575 / month
Subscription Services

  • Website Hosting
  • Conversation Management
  • Content Support
Let's Talk
$$ / as needed
Custom Pricing

  • Digital Transformation
  • Automation Development
  • Conversation Automation
Let's Talk

Start Your
Transformation Today